Fundamentals of physical geography  

The aim of the course is to ensure the systematic learning of knowledge about the spheres of Earth, the processes and phenomena in progress, the diversity of their relationships according to generally recognized principles and methods. Objectives of the study course: students can use terms and concepts of physical geography. Students understand the physical environment of the earth, its systems and processes, and their drivers, by studying weather systems, climate, natural vegetation, inland waters, soil and landforms. Course teaching languages: Latvian, English Results Knowledge 1. Describes the current research directions of physical geography, data acquisition and analysis methods, as well as the terms and concepts used 2. Explains the nature of the Earth's endogenous and exogenous processes and their manifestation in the formation of the Earth's lithosphere and relief. 3. Describes the course of the processes taking place in the atmosphere and the ocean and their role in climate formation. 4.Understands biogeographical and soil formation processes and explains their role in ensuring the stability of ecosystems. 5. Explains the geological activities of the oceans, surface and groundwater and the course of modern processes in the waters. Skills 6. Assess the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, Earth's surface and biosphere, linking them to the dominant natural processes and changes over time. 7.Reads and interprets physiographic, biogeographical and soil maps Competences 9. Evaluates the interaction of the Earth's spheres and substantiates the consequences of this interaction, according to the geographical location of the site. 10. The expected results of the interaction of human actions and natural processes on a local, regional and global scale shall be substantiated.
Fundamentals of physical geography

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